The Rainforest Retreat

August 24th - 30th, Borneo, Indonesia

Borneo Oranguntan Survival

A once in a lifetime experience in the heart of an Orangutan Sanctuary. Immerse yourself into an unforgettable week, whereby you return home with memories that will last a lifetime.

From walks in the rainforest to watching orangutans roaming free on the sanctuary islands, a week on one of these retreats is for anyone looking for a transformative experience. Prepare yourself for something entirely different—a place where you can absorb the natural world and reinvigorate the human soul.

The programme:

  • Orangutan Sanctuary

    A highlight and extreme privilege of our retreat is touring Samboja Lestari Orangutan Sanctuary. Samboja Lestari (translated as ” Samboja Forever”) is currently a home to over 200 orangutans that have been released into 6 islands around the lodge. Our detailed tour, will get you one-of-a-lifetime opportunity to deepen your orangutan knowledge but also observe the behaviour of rehabilitated individuals living within the complex.

    Sungai Wain Full Day Trek

    Within a protected forest area there are around 80 orangutans and a home for Malayan sun bears, proboscis monkeys, 242 species of birds (9 species of hornbills!) and countless other species. Upon arrival we meet our local guide and start searching for all those beautiful creatures.

    Sun bear Sanctuary

    The BOS Foundation also looks after a number of sun bears, smallest bears in the world. You will get to see staff feed the bears but you will also get an opportunity to participate in building daily enrichment.

    Yoga & Pranayama

    Jivamukti yoga practice and restorative practice daily. And two workshops: The art of breathing workshop and A version of inversions.

    Tree planting

    It takes a lot of knowledge to plant trees properly, finding the best locations regarding amount of sun, water needs, proper soil balance and nutrients, etc. It is very educational and you will be able to experience for yourself the value of the local workers.

    Sungai Hitam Boat Cruise

    Cruise along the Sungai Hitam river for a chance to see highly endangered Proboscis monkeys, as well as several local villages.