The Good Enough Practice

JUNE 4TH, 18.30 - 21.00

In this workshop we will explore the true foundations of contemplative practice (be it asana or mediation) and how to create a holding environment that can sustain us (and the people in our lives). Together we will share a simple practice of yoga postures with the aim of observing our intentions on and off the mat. As part of the workshop, Julia will read a piece from her new book En casa and there will be time to share reflections and to ask questions. This is an ideal experience for any yoga practitioner who is interested in delving deeper into why we practice and to then carry that wisdom into all the other areas of his or her life. Everyone is welcome. 

The Good Enough Practice

Some of her words

“Contemplative practice can soften us up, slow us down, help us to be more welcoming to our own selves and those around us. Beyond lowering our blood pressure and healing our lower backs, that’s kind of the whole idea of contemplation, after all: to see clearly, to maintain our equilibrium, to be “samatvam” in our essence, unruffled by the winds. But there is another step…”

About her

Julia Napier was born in the United States in 1974 but has lived in Argentina since her early twenties. She has degrees in literature from Haverford College, Bryn Mawr and Goldsmiths (London).  Her fiction and essays have appeared in international journals and anthologies. In 2016, she became the founding editor of La Colección Ananta, a collection of books in translation about contemplative traditions for the Argentine/Spanish publishing house El Hilo de Ariadna. Julia has also translated many of Ananta’s books, including work by Richard Freeman, TKV Desikachar, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Eddie Stern and Pattabhi Jois. Her book En la práctica, a collection of essays about the intersection of daily life and yoga practice, was published in 2021 to critical acclaim. A longtime practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, Julia has studied closely with Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor, in addition to Tim Miller, Kathy Cooper, Ty Landrum and Eddie Stern. Julia teaches both asana and yoga philosophy, along with regular Mysore classes. She is an active student of Tibetan Buddhism. Julia lives in Buenos Aires with her husband Juan and their two children, Oliverio and Justina. Her upcoming book En casa will be published in Spain in September, 2024. 

Pricing - 45€